Wednesday, September 04, 2002

you know, there are two types of people in this world and both involve the word freak. some think freak is an insult, implying that they stick out, arent normal, or dont fit in. others take it as a compliment, implying that they stick out, arent normal, or dont fit in. im on team freak. i take it as a compliment that im different from you, or anyone else, but especially you. being a freak is to be different, to be truly individual. some people dream of meeting themselves somewhere, the exact twin they never knew. im on the side that says "if i ever randomly found someone exactly like me, thought like me, looked like me, sympathized with me, knew me for me... i would kick his ass so far into next month it wouldnt even be a little bit funny." i like being a freak, being different, being the one thats not the same. everyone can kiss my ass. so the next time someone says to you, "uh... you are the biggest freak of nature i have ever seen in my life... ever," grin and reply, "well arent we the sharp one today, thanks for your noticing." freak


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