Thursday, September 08, 2005

the world at large

a couple minutes ago, i was reading the paper when one of the custodial guys i talk to a lot came in to look at it. he glances through it and checked the headlines, seeing how its finally time for everyone to leave new orleans. he tells me that he has realized that life isnt forever and that when he was young, like me, he never realized that. but now that he isnt, he knows that if he has something to do, he better get it done.

he told me he saw on the news this morning something about a woman not getting served a drink at a bar and driving her car into the bar and killing the waitress. people are going crazy, he says. this is something i have definitely noticed recently. he tells me its a sign and subtly points up. people are acting insane all around the world. hes never seen anyone drive a car into a bar to kill a waitress. things like katrina have never happened before. never before had anyone used an airplane as a missile {with the exception of the kamikaze pilots of japan, although that was a war}.

these are signals, signs that perhaps we arent really living the way we are supposed to. and if he is right, we better make our amends now because when "he comes back"...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

its amazing how you can find wisdom in random places, but then again perhaps one should expect to find wisdom in the staff at wfu - they live in the real world and have seen/observed more of life then any of us . . .

katrina has definitely thrown us for a loop, we, as the us, tend to think we are so far ahead of the rest of the world technologically that we dont need to worry about stuff like this - yeah, we have natural disasters, but never on this scale . ..

for the record though, i skimmed one or two of your other entries, i dont think the world is as bad off as you say, yes there are huge problems, yes alot of people are corrupt and "the good ole days" are a thing of the past, but there are also amazing people in this world - dont give up on them yet

2:25 PM  
Blogger sunshine said...

im not ready to give up on the world quite yet. its just strange sometimes... to think how isolated this campus is, in terms of everyday affairs. its always beautiful.

let me put that another way. i love storms and sitting on the front porch watching lightning. but not once, ever in my life, has one ever struck anywhere but on the horizon. you could call that a blessing, i suppose, and maybe thats what katrina really is, a lightning strike that finally struck your (or your neighbor's) home.

or something like that...

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are totally right about this campus being isolated . . . i have no idea about the world going on around me. even with katrina, ive had a hard time comprehending the fact that it is in new orleans - it just doesnt seem that close to home.

funny you should bring up the storms - that is actually one of my favorite things to do - sit and watch the lightening. It is one of the most amazing things to watch . . . it is beautiful and awesome while at the same time possesing enormous potential for destruction. but it is things like this that remind me how precious life is - that im not guaranteed tomorrow. for me at least that adds so much more depth to life - if there was no risk, could we really enjoy and experience life?

i say that with the understanding that it is much easier to say that then to deal with the reality of it when it is I who am affected rather than people i dont know. . .

6:55 PM  

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