Friday, December 15, 2006

tell your mom what to expect

she says it's right out of the blue.

early this morning i was about to eat a frozen pastry thing but the voice told me i didn't need it so i left. i was walking back from the bathroom thinking i would eat a sausage. the voice said i should do pushups so i did thirty. i'll save the sausage for later. it was pretty out so i ran down to the fence by the ocean. i ran. it was terribly nice, running. i don't do it all that often (when you're not playing a sport, who does?) but it was wonderful. reminded me of charter soccer when i would chase somebody down and tackle them cause i felt like it. love it. it was gorgeous by the sea. the spray rose off the breakers and settled in a haze over the shore. the sun this time of year is pretty low and reflects off the ocean brighter than it does out of the sky. there was a solitary old man walking very slowly along the sand, staring at it. off to the right was a couple of middle aged... humans... walking with their dog. i felt like running out there and taking a black and white picture as a sample for a picture frame. sunny by the ocean. sixty in december. hardly anybody around. what's better?

i realized in bed a couple weeks ago that i'd love to be a skydiving instructor. today i thought real quick and made a list.

short list of things to do before i die:

learn to surf
play the piano
buy a good dSLR camera
buy a 1950's triumph motorcycle
ride said motorcycle a long distance
attend burning man {possibly with camera and motorcycle}
try all kinds of drugs, once
skydive, a lot
own a flat and live in vienna
write a book
live on a sailboat for a month
visit africa and do something
be in a band
fall in love {looks good in italics, no?}

hopefully the voice will stick around for a long time. i think i'm going to bermuda next summer for a week. i fully expect the voice to kick in and for me to fast and do random exercises and tan down here until i look good enough to handle bermuda for a week. in fact, i think if i look good enough, i won't have to learn how to speak to girls at all ;)


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