Saturday, February 15, 2003

i keep thinking about stuff to write about but i always forget whenever it comes time to write. on my mind right now are those little necco sweethearts candy hearts things everyone gives at valentines day. another testament that the world is going crazy. i went along with stuff like m&m's getting blue and now purple colors, new tv shows parodying old ones, the braves killing their rotation etc... but now its gone from sad to moronic. first of all, the original ones taste pretty bad to me, ive never enjoyed them. actually theres a new tangy fruitish flavor today that isnt bad. but aside from that, what really pisses me off is the little sayings on the hearts. the old ones were classics, be mine, sweetie, love you... stuff like that. its not like they've stopped applying to people. now they've actually changed a bunch of the messages to try to fit into the times. its rediculous. all of the new ones are incredibly stupid and i wouldnt be surprised if anyone that received one punched their valentine in the throat. for example, ive seen hearts that read: "hey man", "fax me" (who the hell uses fax machines??), ""... they've tried 3 different variations on love that ive seen: "true love", "real love", and "sure love" and there are probably more. im pretty sure they're even promoting wholesome activities such as academics with new arousing phrases including "book club" and "lets read!"... its sad. what was wrong with cutie or my girl? why do we need "go girl", "awe-some", or even the always audacious "marry me!". oh, hehe "ur kind" but "get real". what the fuck?? if necco ever wants to try anything "tres chic" (very stylish) again, necco needs to eat another "wise up" (literally) before they fuck it up like this.


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