Wednesday, February 12, 2003

whooa, its been a while eh? anyway here are some random happenings in mah life... i was in target a few days ago and 2 people actually spoke to me. one was this guy i knew from 8th grade but havent seen in years. he's like 6-5 now with a bari voice that scared the shit out of me when he walked up behind me... i felt tiny. then this other guy walks by. i didnt know him from anywhere. he was like 40 and just said hey how you doing. and i was like, yeah fine thanks. so he walks off. made me feel good but later kinda creeped me out, dont know why. i just heard too that i had another friend in there who saw me but hid from me?!?!?! why?? i wouldnt bite... well, in her case it might have been different but o well whats the problem? also yeah sweet today's my birthday. gotta love it. i got my license this morning and all. it was crazy... one of my friends **cough cough** said it was only gonna take 10 minutes or so. well i get in there and of course theres a line and shit so i wait and wait and finally they let me up. so i just turn in the paperwork and then wait some more... tick tock tick tock... until i get to go drive. the lady is finally finished so we go out to the mad crazy volvo and she's like well first ill check your brake lights and then we can get some heat on, right? so ive already flipped on her seat heater... she appreciated that so i didnt have to do a u-turn or parallel park... haha. and the rest went fine, cept i got busted a few times for not having both hands on the wheel... like you really need that anyway. well anyway i still passed and got my license, the only thing is, i looked stoned in the picture. o well like anyone will care. its like one eye is half closed and i'm looking down, screw it. school was good, there was a refreshing lack of singin but i appreciated the card. thanks dk... aaand we went out to eat tonite @ copelands, great place gotta love the gumbo. their bathrooms are awesome. they've got this paper towel dispenser in the bathroom that automatically dispenses towels when you wave your hand in front of it. completely pointless but totally awesome yeah!!! my mom was in a really random and embarrassing mood tonite but it didnt shake me. sigh, she wanted me to take a picture with the waitress on my 16th birthday dinner... so i did. im sure it freaked out the waitress more than me but its all good, she was hot... haha. so its been a good day. got some music, looking forward to some more and life rocks. ill get back to you with more later, peace!


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