Monday, September 15, 2003

i dont hate everyone. sometimes the most random and unexpected events can make your day. i was driving to school this morning, just down the road i live off of out in the middle of nowhere and i came upon this new subdivision (fuck new subdivisions) out to the right. there was this little black kid standing there with his bookbag, couldnt have been older than eight or nine, looking bewildered and bored. kindof like he missed the bus or something. the kid just stood there watching all the cars passing, not moving a muscle, strange-like, you know? well im lookin at him, about to pass the subdivision and the strangest thing happened. all of a sudden the kid raises his right arm and waves at me. this little third/fourth grade black kid waved at some random teenage white guy speeding along a country road in his volvo. for a split second, even racial bounderies were crossed, it was wonderful. i was surprised but in a good kind of way. i guess i barely had time to react, kindof akwardly waved back, stiff-like... i hope he caught it though. maybe it made him smile cause about a tenth of a mile down the road, just thinking about the whole damn crazy thing, the biggest smile broke out on my face like the light of day bursting through the clouds. amazing the effects of kind gestures...

Dieu bénit les petits gosses...


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