Wednesday, May 12, 2004

musings today...

the light is blinding
sometimes, somedays
and the radiating heat
touches you in so many ways
train whistle sounds like music
and a guitar's playing... somewhere
~pause for guitar distraction~
its a day for wasting time
on worthless ventures
but coming back to life
and making new friends
but at the cost of others
life is tragic like that
and im wondering about this wall
blue green white and brick
so it relates to nothing
just like me
im feeling like convincing myself
that apathy is the answer
if you pay your problems no attention
they will get bored and wander away
and ive never felt like i have seemed
brown haired and fat
never was my idea, sorry
theres nothing stuck in my head
the wood im sitting on is #2 prime
i dont know what that means
unless its that its prime material
in which case im sitting on prime material
and i dont mean my ass
whose doritos are mixing
with the sweet tarts on the ground?
but segregated and nervous
at a distance

i typically start poems but never finish them... so ive compiled remnants of a couple and arranged them into a homologated poem... of sorts

i think ill pass
but inspirations just not so bold
i lay on you but you make may ass itch bitch
sad poetry is getting old
grass grass
halfway gone and halfway home
bad emotions got a strangle hold

the end


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