Wednesday, February 23, 2005

drowning in a sea of air
dewy grass stains drier clothes
to lie, heavily breathing
thumping bass heartbeat far away
you hear it in your ears
feel it in your eyes
cold sweat salty as dirt
warm iron blood in your teeth

shadows blur in cotton streaks
the turntable scenery ignites
any colour you like
spinning about an old carousel

the stars above smile down
screaming benevolent judgment
too far to hear, thumping bass
begin to swirl, dance, flit away
my very own firefly constellation
organically expand and ebb flow
any colour i like

staggered bass, cuts in and out
warmth spreads down my cheek
dont bother to notice, the colours speak
warmth falls down cold regions
flowing slow, thick, an oceans foam

welling up from my feet dead
coming up from my thighs dead
seeping up from my stomach dead
creeping out of my arms dead
laughing, catch a jittery shadow
leave the carousel on a black horse

the old stars become one but
the great black shadow loses consistancy
falling into myself, through the liquid earth
the fireflies will catch me
dance around me, alight upon
mourning nothing more
a firefly is born


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