Wednesday, March 08, 2006

lonelily {part whatever}

yes, it's one of those nights. i dont really feel the compunction to write pages tonight, but i feel like i should write something. the only thing i really feel, though, is lonely. it get's old, after a while, this nightly routine. as pleasant as it was, discovering fox soccer channel a couple days ago, watching two north american clubs who probably aren't worth a shit in the grand scheme of things just doesn't really do it. {no chuckling allowed...;)} jesusfuckingchrist that cow scares me.

this... m'dear, is why tonight is ironic.

anyway, with renewed vigor for my cause... yada yada yada {that there's some writin!}... im lonely. and, you know, it isn't from not speaking to anyone - although that usually helps some - its from sitting here with nobody doing nothing significant. because if i were sitting here in the dark, typing little nothings, sap vs. la in the background, sharing this big, brown chair with somebody i cared about... this night would be infinitely better.

this isnt about lust. i am just the kind of guy who appreciates a warm body, and not just from anybody - im no whore. but from somebody i can talk to for hours, tell stories to, be engaged with. thats not such a bad thing is it?


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