Tuesday, June 06, 2006

cute when you smile

i can't feel my fingers. i just sat down, to pass the time till midnight, pulled up some music and my guitar and didn't play a line of it. something else came to me, a new set of chords and ideas that i feel might actually turn into a real song. the chorus is stuck in my head... and it's one syllable. like a nightclub jam, i can hear the crowd now...

and thats just the nightcap. i have a good life, but it's not often i have days that can force a smile to my lips for writing about it. rewind a little bit.

the hurricanes win a phenomenal hockey game to take a one game lead in the stanley cup finals. a game like that will make or break a day by itself, let alone stacked on top of the previous hours. so tense, such a release. every time i turned the surround sound on my dad would jump out of his skin and make me turn it down again. i love hockey.

this afternoon, before reading my new piano book, i had a chance to talk for a long while to a wonderful friend who has been out of touch for the past six months or so. turns out she is in london. and i hate her for it but the conversation reminded me how well we go together, how easy it is to talk to her, how much fun she is. and that she turned to me to talk to means a lot too. and it's not just her. last night was wonderful. i try to be a good friend and when people appreciate that, it's a great feeling. you know who you are. when you tell me you love me, even as a friend, it brings a warmth to my heart nothing else can. i've found that love doesn't have to screw up a friendship, it can make me a better friend. i love that too.

on the way back from the library, driving in the rain, listening to a new album, a squirrel ran out in front of the volvo. i was on cruise control so i jumped on the brakes and swerved a bit to the right {there was nobody coming} and missed the poor guy but it made me physically sick. there was an immediate squirrel-sized knot deep in my stomach that only revisited me late in the hockey game. that was bad... but he is alive, so good.

i realized when i got in my car the mistake i'd just made {in the happiness beforehand} but went to the library anyway. libraries are generally full of politesse. maybe it's just that people aren't supposed to talk. whatever it was, nobody commented on my bedroom slippers and i felt cool wearing them. picked up a book on how to play popular piano in ten lessons {i even skipped lesson three!} so hopefully i won't have to pay another hundred and this month will be enough of official lessons before i can go on by myself. we will see how that goes.

the first part of my day was spent sleeping, playing with my amazingly loving dog, and laying in the hammock reading while the rain clouds gathered. most of the time, our old cat sat directly below me, craning her neck and rubbing her face on my fingers when i would stick them through the rope at her. it's amazing how love from an animal can mean so much. it's so much less complicated than what i deal with from people. so much more pure, easy. after reading i took a shower and came downstairs to the original reason my day was made: one piece of mail.

it was on the arm of my favorite chair, a hand-addressed mailing envelope from Austin, Texas. i knew what it was. i had seen a band on austin city limits a while back that i liked alright and since the amazon was so expensive, i had ordered the album off the band's website. along with the album was a sticker, free of charge. on the back of the sticker was written, "hey brooks, thanks for buying the cd. hope to see you soon, michael." turns out michael is the lead singer/guitarist. new music is one thing. that made my day.


i forgot to mention last night. church, as it turns out, was amazing sunday. it was youth sunday so kids did the whole service. whoever was reading the celebrations thought it would be appropriate for the congregation to sing happy birthday to a family friend of ours. that never happens, out in our old white country church. pretty funny. but there was one girl in the production that i couldn't stop watching. i don't know how old she was, high school. i will tell you that i have never seen more gorgeous coeds than out at my church. those country girls, nothing else like them. too bad i never lived or went to school out there, got to know them. but this girl was different. she was a short, thin, small-framed girl with short dyed-red hair brushed out of her face. a small piece of it was bound off in a little stubby ponytail in the back. there was something about her though. the fact that she was pretty but not mainstream usually helps, with me, but it's hard to know what to say about her. you should have seen her smile...

goodnight ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your happiness is contagious.

8:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey shib, i woke up thinking of you (dont ask me why, it was raining and cold and i had organic lab today...really just misery, nothing that would bring you to mind, you'll be happy to know) and then i played sovay about 16 times while i was showering/eating/ brushing my teeth etc and by the end of that whole process i was missing you like crazy. just your presence, your music, your commentary on life as it passes. i know you are most likely going on with your life like a normal person and are busy and not really in the mood to just chat, but if you ever get bored some evening....i'd love to hear from you in some form just to know you are alive. i'll stop asking for your address, if you wish. it'd just be great to know what is going on in your mind (besides reading it here, because i feel like a creep). so please stay in touch? maybe? please..

5:52 PM  

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