Thursday, January 02, 2003

if you ever watch snl, you have seen where sometimes jimmy fallon has an opinion. well i have an opinion on life alert! i saw that commercial for life alert again today. this time i actually watched the commercial instead of laughing at the guy that falls down (i know its mean but hey, hes pretty funny). i realized how stupid this life alert thing is. dont get me wrong, i understand how it surely saved that old lady's life when she fell or something but its really just not practical for everyday use. first of all, i know old people dont really care what they wear but its really really ugly. i mean, nothing labels you as 'geezer' more than that bulky grey box hanging on your waist. plus i dont know how they know which ones to push... that guy with the heart attack, he was falling over but instead of trying to stop himself, he, without looking, went down and pressed the correct button on that box and managed to explain his problem, all while he was falling. he must be some kindof old guy prodigy. i cant even do that, much less no look. lets get off the prodigy old people and get to the regular, everyday, joe and jane seniors. if, say, one of them was having a heart attack, they would just fall down. if they were still concious, they might grope for the box and attemt to locate the right button. once found, the coordinating finger-button movements can be challenging. once all that is done, the process of explaining just what is happening would be tough, and all before you passed out... also, the buttons are just way too small. lets say your house is on fire and you, gramps, are sprinting for the door. in your excitement at getting to use your new product (as seen on TV) you accidently press the wrong little small key. 10 minutes later, poison control shows up at your burning building and in a crazy attempt to save it, sprays some chemicals on the fire... boom, no more house, no more poison control, no more gramps. even then, what makes you think the belt unit would work when the relay is melting in the house?? its just not feasible. on a final note, i applaud the makers of life alert on their efforts to make old people's lives a little safer but i still believe that you would fare better with a brand new hoveround (with almost no money out of pocket if you have medicare!!) thanks...


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