Tuesday, February 18, 2003

i was thinking today... and we all know what that can lead to... and i came across an interesting idea/concept. its the "i was never like that point of view theory." it goes like this: you look at younger kids doing stupid things and you say you never were like that... but thats the thing, you were, you just never realized it. its much easier to view ourselves as the older wiser one and make assumptions about the younger ones. well the truth is, theres someone watching you too, saying to same thing to themselves. what you do yourself is automatically cool because its what youre peers do. if (and i will just use freshmen to specify younger ones) the freshmen do something different, its uncool and something you would never have done. you never judge yourself like you do others. the point to my concept is that theres always someone looking over your shoulder. we all learn things at different times. i can look back on younger kids having their girlfriends and boyfriends and seeing themselves as the coolest kids they know. i can laugh at that now because of the pure superficiality of it all. i know though that theres a married couple behind me laughing at my every move... back in 8th grade i would sit across the gym and watch the 6th graders acting stupid. they wore the wrong clothes, did the wrong things, said the wrong things. i was never like that... well now i look at 8th graders and wonder the same things. look at it from an outside perspective though. imagine it as a line of people, each of them looking at someone younger and each wondering why the other one does what they do. then imagine one enlightened person suddenly breaking the cycle and looking all around him for once, he looks forwards and realizes that the stupid kid he's looking at is staring at another stupid kid. he looks behind him and sees laughter in the eyes of an older kid staring him down. he looks farther back and someone else is laughing at him... it continues up through the ages until you make it to the oldest man on earth. he is the king, he has no one to judge him (on earth that is), nobody can look down on him, he can just laugh. if you take anything from this, its to take a look at yourself everynow and then instead of judging someone else. you could go through life completely oblivious, many people do. you dont have to care, im not making you. but if you want to truely know people, jump outside the box, step back from the game, take a look at your compadres and yourself and laugh, because theres always someone doing the same. peace out you guys...


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