Tuesday, August 02, 2005


well that last post was a little sad wasnt it? i apologize even though its all true. my relationships have an edge similar to 'a series of unfortunate events'. i feel as if i am looking at the world from the bottom of a well.

in other news, i returned from a short stay at the beach today. lots of being asked by my grandparents what i wanted to do and lots of doing what i wanted to do, nothing. reading articles in carcraft about rust-free project cars i wont own anytime soon because im not allowed to sell the volvo i have. oh well. i was driving back from dinner last night down some road i dont know the name of, the one that runs the length of what i think is bogue island. it had been raining/storming all day long but had stopped. we were driving east along the island and the sun was low in the sky behind us. it hadnt set but was close to it, you know?

{sidetrack: i feel sorry for my computer. my poor outdated family computer. i will soon be done with it anyway... i abuse the poor thing. right now i am listening to music, downloading an album via torrent, ordering another off amazon, converting a concert from flac to mp3 to burn a live album (you can tell where my priorities lie), i have aim open and am writing... the poor little bastard is maxed out. its a miracle that these words are being written}

so yeah, setting the scene. sun behind us. almost setting but not quite. right. well since it had been precipitating {interesting word. gives me the impression that if a hot girl is about to be murdered by a stalker in a horror movie and she doesnt know it yet but its just about to happen... the murder would be precipitating} sorry, another sidetrack, thats not cool. anyway, it had been precipitating {hehe} all day long and so there were millions of clouds in front of us. big ones and small ones. it was the fisherman's platter of clouds. what i am trying to express, though, is the effect all this had on the total scene. the clouds in the back, the farthest back, were large and white. they were the kings... of the clouds. the backdrop, more or less, of where im going. now, slid in front of those are less tall long clouds that are very dark. very dark clouds in front of white clouds and imagine it as a panoramic shot, they are ahead but also wrap around the field of vision to the right, over the sea. ribbonish in their wrapping of the vision. this is the background.

the important thing is the contrast with the foreground. the houses, thanks to the sun behind us {the back-background}, are bright and basking in an unusually golden-red glow. it is absolutely tremendous. all the houses, the cars, the road, it is all being spotlighted by some unseen source while we are all driving into this black-on-white cloud bank on the horizon. what is so strange is that all the land things are glowing while all the sky isnt. like a matte finish sky with a shiny metallic land. get it? i wish i had my camera with me {not that that would really have helped dammit} but i didnt. like john mayer, no more 3x5's...

in other news, i got locked out of my house tonight because everyone went to bed before 10:30 and i was downstairs with a coke, a coozie, a baseball and glove, and friends on the tv. and a cat that i played with. she chased a beetle. i love that cat. i had to sneak around outside, find a key in the dark, get up the stairs to the deck in the dark, and unlock the handle and the bolt on the door with a key in the dark. dammit. well obviously it turned out ok. i just thought it needed saying, thats all.



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