Thursday, July 12, 2007

got nothing to show

terrific news today but i'm not gonna talk about it.

what makes sense? i was riding in the backseat of my sister's car this evening on the way to cold stone for celebratory icecream with my family. she was driving with my dad in front of me and my mother beside me. as usual when i'm not driving, i had my headphones plugged into my head, drowning out the shit radio my sister inevitably flips on. i have issues with the radio. anyway, we were out in the country a ways, passing big lots with grass and lots of trees, large new houses tucked away back in corners with manicured driveways and frilly mailboxes dotting the road. the rest of them started arguing about one thing or another. i couldn't really hear it over the steady drum beat and guitars of 'everywhere you turn'... but i could tell it was there. the timbre of my mother or father's voices rising, my sister's upturned palms and dumb "it's never my fault" attitude. it's the same fight i've heard a hundred thousand times before. doesn't even matter what the words are. i don't even know why it happens so often... it's just that she hasn't figured out how not to fight. i don't think it's too hard. i just say things like, "whatever is easier" or "yeah, that's fine with me" a lot. they love me for it. i hardly ever have any confrontations. it's not that i don't care about anything or that i'm a pushover at all, just that i know most things aren't worth fighting over and i don't make it so that's the solution to a dumb problem. my mother complains to me that she's been such a bitch this summer (she didn't say that, persay). i wish it didn't have to be that way.

regardless, i'm still a uke whiz, somehow. i guess it just hits me sometime. i was in the kitchen earlier strumming away while watching Man v. Wild. radiohead's "how to disappear completely". couple bright eyes tunes, "at the bottom of everything", "first day of my life", and my personal favorite, "make war". flipping them out like it's nothing. all of a sudden it's fun again. i'll start performing someday.

given half a chance, i will kill again.

i'd like to meet some new people. people like me. maybe i'll start a weekly poker game and invite kids from the boards to play. drink beer, play cards, talk sports. sounds good to me. if only i weren't so awkward and shy. meh, oh well.

oh, and yeah, i know this page hurts your eyes to read, dear. i made it that way. see, the white letters on dark background will make you see lines for hours. i don't know why i did it that way, discouraging people... oh, and the background is tinted to make you barely see the slightest red. enjoy that. confusing, i know.


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