Sunday, November 30, 2003

one last chance before i go
before i cut off the phone
i wish you felt the wind blow
on the twenty-ninth floor balcony
i wish you saw the grey below
and the line drawn through the air
oh if you could only know
what would you say then?

do you think you would be so cold
enough that you could be the wind
maybe you would be so bold
would you give me a reason?
reassure me, push me, its time to fold
just make up my mind here, unaware
always thought it would be you when im old
not a ledge... a step in the right direction

you hang up as i say goodbye
its too late now to change your mind
on with your life as i start to fly
you had no idea it was permanent
on the sidewalk below, my eyes are dry
left it behind just to see your face
for all that shit, do you think you would cry?
hell... it means the world to me

Saturday, November 29, 2003

hey yall... i was messing with the audblog free trial thing for a while tonight and apparently what lies below is what i came up with. the files are each 1 minute long and are in reverse chronological order. i would advise skipping the first one cause it sucks. maybe i should just delete it. maybe i wont. anyway, that should account for all the fun tonight. i was thinking about writing a lot of random shit but i ended up saying alot of shit instead. i think i should make a blank page for people to post audio messages on when they wanted to but i would probably have to pay for that so i wont. heres to new friends and posting over your phone. cheers. and goodnight.
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Friday, November 28, 2003

apparently china has an AIDS problem. see, people over there dont talk about sex (it was frowned upon by the communist administration). but now it is an increasing problem. so what do you do about a problem like AIDS? answer: loud english speaking speakers talking about... well... talking (and touching and sex)...

... and talking/dancing animated condoms in television commercials... (news headline for the day: all of america's teen population simultaneously squirms in one giant unpredicted "uncomfortable moment" when the first talking/dancing animated condom came on american tv...)
jay leno- so halle berry is playing catwoman in her new movie. tells me her costume is so tight and painful that she has to get a massage every night with 'butt butter'... and i thought i had a good job. how do you get to be the guy who gets to massage halle berry's butt every day? with butter no less...

kevin eubanks- butter? ohh i thought you said butt brother...

jay- yeah, you be the butt brother right?...

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

hmm... cheers of "WE-RE WIN-NING", casey's barks, goggles down low, and that kid named airball... who "couldnt have punted a shot worse than that!" the bench never got cold... heres to mens basketball.

Monday, November 24, 2003

80 mph in a volvo is a nice feeling... especially when its solid as a rock... and its 25-over on a bright sunny road with no cops in sight. lovely.

Friday, November 21, 2003

im sittin here at the computer... theres a dinner party going on in the room next to me. the door is wide open. suddenly one of the mothers in there starts to relate a story about me that my mother knew and politely continued. i cant help but hear it... i dont want to hear it. a few days ago i pull up beside that woman and her daughter who lives up the street from me. so i look over at her and wave. obviously she didnt know who i was cause she looked like she didnt know who in the hell i was. figures... her mother comes over tonight and was talking about how wierd they thought i drove. its like the only time in the past year ive driven with my hand holding on the sunroof. they thought it was funny (maybe its a guy thing she says). i think she drives slow. i was driving slow just so they could keep up with me and see me turn on our street and then i fucking waved at them. so it turns out they were talking about guys in that car. her mother tells her she cant like me. she asks why. her mom said its because her first name is the same as my last name. i cant help but be flattered to think that she would ask why she couldnt like me instead of saying she wouldnt like me anyway although im not sure asking why you cant like someone is that much of a compliment anyway. oh well, it is of no consequence anyway. ill just sit here trying not to listen to stories about myself.

::30 minute delay::

soooo i went in there and chatted it up with the old folks for a while. gave my side of the car story, talked about school, sports etc. turns out i can be quite charming when i want to be. oh well, im still going to try and avoid it if i can but maybe it wont be so bad if... hah right.

hmm i wish anana was here to listen to me play guitar in the attic. peace yall...
hurtling down the road at 50 miles per hour. automatically propelled by the machine under me. if i hit that tree i bet i would die. mmmpth. i wonder why i hate people. there are a few people ive had it out for since the day i met them. what is it? is it character, do i judge them? is it just the power of first impressions? i dont know... and i dont care.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003


Sunday, November 09, 2003

it all shimmers. you know when. when the moon is high above the clouds marching across the sky in form toward some communist god. its a world wrapped in tin foil... backlit by a soft auxilary raining down from the heavens. the trees bend and sway in their not-quite muted protests but the clouds will not cease... the moon will not refrain. the night is so peaceful and so disturbingly revealing. the wood glows in its solitude while the grass, though without snow, emits the faintest light to contrast the shadows in the creekbed. every chrome bit from the vehicle twinkles against the great white brawny sheetmetal. it drowns out the light of the one single twinkling star that sits violently in the distance, observing the landscape. the ruts in the driveway appear as great scars at night. and while the excitements of the previous day slowly drown in the gorgeous frightening solitude, the flashing towers across the fields serve as a horrible reminder of the frail resistance at the horizon.